Our Entrepreneurial Marketing class at Temple University gave us the challenge of the 10-10-10 project. The goal of the 10-10-10 Project is to give students an opportunity to engage in “real” entrepreneurial marketing projects to learn about the power and reach of social networking. The concept: Give 10 student teams $10 each and have them multiply that money by a factor of 10 – doing projects focused on issues around sustainability, charity, and community.
My team is supporting Art-Reach, the only organization in the Philadelphia region solely devoted to bringing arts and cultural opportunities to the full range of underserved audiences. Each year their programs and services enable over 15,000 people with disabilities or economic disadvantages to enjoy the beauty and richness of the arts.
We will be raising money for Art-Reach through a number of different events that we have planned. We will also be volunteering our time and services.
Check back for an updated list of our events!